we’d like to say a big thank you to the people of boxford who responded to our survey, which was almost 100 people!
who responded?
Out of all respondents to this survey, 92% were homeowners.
7% were tenants and 1% were local businesses.
How long have you lived in Boxford?
this graph shows the Years that respondents have lived in Boxford, grouped by decade.
There is a wider range of tenure in Boxford, ranging from under 1 year, up to a staggering 84 years!
We want to tap into all the local knowledge here and generate tailored ideas for Reclaim the Rain in Boxford.
has your property ever been flooded?
2% have been flooded and 3% have experienced near misses to their properties
what is your level of understanding of flood risk in Boxford?
57% of people “fully understand where the risk of flooding to Boxford is, as well as why this risk exists”.
“14% of respondents consider themselves to have “no understanding of where the risk is”.
Reclaim the rain aims to help inform and raise awareness of these issues and provide resources for those who would like to learn more.
do you think drought has an impact in boxford?
75% of respondents have an awareness of drought and believe it’s important and relevant to your community
no one said drought was not important or that you didn’t think it would impact your community.
Are you taking any steps to manage the effects of flooding and Drought in Boxford?
36% of you are capturing water in some way to help manage the effects of flooding and drought.
Still, there are more people not taking action for many different reasons shown below.
What is preventing people from taking action against flooding and drought?
The most recognised constraints to taking action are cost constraints and a lack of understanding.
Both of which Reclaim the Rain can help to address in Boxford.
Do people understand what reclaim the Rain is trying to do?
This graph shows us that within Boxford there is a range of understanding of Reclaim the Rain.
To get in touch, email us at reclaimtherain@suffolk.gov.uk.
Keep your eyes peeled for future community events in Boxford, where you can meet the team, learn more about the project and share any thoughts with us.