Six exciting case studies
Reclaim the Rain has selected six communities across Norfolk and Suffolk which each offer exciting opportunities to manage water sustainably.
Throughout early 2022 we received expressions of interest from roughly 40 communities in the area, and were left with the difficult challenge of narrowing them down to our chosen six.
In Norfolk, these are:
In Suffolk, these are:
Little Blakenham
Norfolk’s Communities
This community is committed to working together to reduce flood risk and capture water upstream of Watton for agricultural use.
Thompson aims to simultaneously reduce flood risk in the village and find new opportunities to support agricultural and environmental activities in the local area.
With a strong interest in sustainable water management, Woodton has interest from various residents, businesses and community facilities which aim to work together for mutual benefit.
Suffolk’S Communities
Boxford hopes to use a variety of sustainable water management projects for community use.
An exciting opportunity to work with landowners upstream of Little Blakenham gives the community a great chance to support local businesses and reduce flood risk.
Friston hopes to work collaboratively with Reclaim the Rain in order to resolve long-standing flooding issues.
What comes next?
Now communities have been selected the exciting work can start.
Reclaim the Rain is using a “co-creation” approach. This means that we will work with communities to find out what issues, opportunities and opinions matter to them most. From there we will design schemes which matter to the people that will end up living and working with them.
In the coming months the project team will be visiting each location and helping communities understand the next steps in more detail.
If you’d like to get involved please contact us and we’ll gladly discuss Reclaim the Rain with you!
By 2050
It is predicted that there could be up to 1.2 million Additional homes in the East of England
(Water Resources East, 2022)